This is a compilation of some of my memories and experiences that happened during my teenage years. Start at the begginning of this blog to hear the beginning of my story.

The most recent posts will now be my experiences with Lupus as an adult and mother.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Hardings have BIG heads

All is well with baby boy. and me. 
30 weeks is where we are now. crazy isn't it?

The ultrasound went smoothly again, this baby has a big head! 
his head is measuring at 34 weeks while the rest of his body measures at about 30 weeks. 

I'm feeling good- the only thing I could complain to the doctor about is the reflux. So he FINALLY put me on a prescription. off the lame zantac and onto Nexium. You can add a whopping $211.99 to the post below for that medicine.
Insurance is a good thing. Thankful for it every day. 

There are many things I'm starting to complain about though, to my husband. 
I feel huge and squished inside. which I am...all squished inside. 
My main complaint lately is not being as flexible as I was even just a week ago. I can't bend and pick up the toys 100x a day. so my floors seem to have toys scattered way to much which means I'm living in a cluttery house. which means unhappiness. 
Its probably all hormones and nesting feeling kicking in. I'm working on being content with what I can do, and letting go (making Nate do) what I can't. :)
And of course, making the kids step up too. 

30 glorious weeks....

only 10 more to go. or 9. maybe 8?


  1. Thank you for sharing your baby experience with us. As a lupus patient I find myself fascinated with the future joys of being a mom, but am also worried if it's a possibility for me due to illness! Keep on being strong <3

  2. thank you very much for the info u are giving about your pregnancy. I am 17weeks and 3 days and this is my first experience with lupus and ra and having a baby. I have 2 other children and not had any problems of any sort. I just got diagnosed aug 2010. Ya blog has helped me understand and what to expect. Thanks Keep Blogging
