Hi. My Name is Desarae.
and I'm an ice chewer.
It's a horrible habit. and I'm addicted. The cause, they say, is anemia. Although, after spending a while researching this myth, no one really knows why. Some suggest its because anemic persons can have tongue and gum swelling, or stomach problems all which are soothed by sweet cold ice. And your body knows best! Another suggestion is that ice just tastes better to anemic people.
I can't say I feel that it is either for me. I can't pin why I chew ice, but I love my ICE.
I don't even know when it started. I know it was bad in high school- which is when I was most anemic. Then I got an iron transfusion and for years I didn't even want ice in my drink. It was a burden. Isn't that weird? Just got in the way, and took up space where my precious soda should be.
After having Sydney I slowly sunk back into anemic problems. and have been an ice chewer since.
EVERY doctor has put me on iron supplements. After Jack they got all extreme. I was on perscription iron 3 times a day-going hard core. It didn't make any difference in my blood scores, but it did give me major painful cramps (super-lay-on-the-couch-I'm dying-cramps). and all the other naughty side effects.
not to mention finding a time to take iron is really annoying- especially if you have to take it several times a day. You have to take it with vitamin c, and no calcium 1/2 before or after, blah blah blah.
After I complain about cramps, they tell me to take a week break and go to two a day. Then one a day. But by now by body recognizes it first off and day 1 and 2 I start having cramps. Doesn't stand a chance.
Since I have also moved plenty the past few years I have had change docs. in a good light- I quit taking iron, but a bad light- they see my blood scores and order me to start it all over again...no matter what happened the last time.
And wouldn't you know- with this doctor, my OB, asked me to take iron supplements again. I gave them the "I don't really want to, it wont work" speech and they just asked me nicely to do it, and i poliety complied.
(irronically, my Rhuematologist said I'm fine. I am anemic but it is staying the same...not getting worse or better so he is fine leaving me where I was.)
After thinking about what to do for a week....
call my rhuem and ask permission to NOT take it.
take it for a week and get the cramps and get off easy.
call ob and ask them if it will blend well with the prednisone I'm now on too..hoping for a wait till pred is over answer.
I decided, I don't want to be anemic. I hate chewing ice. I hate when other people chew ice. I want my energy back. I want to take control.
OTC iron pills don't work. prescriptions iron pills don't work. There must be something out there...like a liquid iron, or natural supplement, that will work. right?
So that was my resolve. and this is what I found.
There are two types of iron. ok, thats not correct. There are several types of iron. But the common one you take over the counter and prescription is iron sulfate. All mine have just been a little round, hard pill- iron sulfate (feratab, SLOW-fe, FER-Iron etc). and I have had no success with it- as you know.
then there is like, the kind I got when it was transfused into my blood and other types I'm sure. I'm not claiming to be an expert on iron.
Then I found more about heme iron. and became VERY interested. I found this website very convincing, and explained it really well... probably cause they are trying to sell it to you. I ALMOST bought it right then and there. It has great reviews (from other websites) and stories. all so convincing.
BUT I decided to see what other heme irons were out there and happened upon the ultimate Iron. Which has the same great reviews, stories. Even better- half the price of proferrin. oh, and I can pick it up at a store down the street.
When I walked into the store and asked the man where it was located he started in on telling me how this was the best stuff ever, and the continued with about 5 stories of people he has helped with this iron. cute old man.
So I have been taking this iron for 2 weeks now. I got my blood drawn today...for lupus reasons not anemia. but when they call I'll ask if there is a change. I don't really expect one yet. I think it should take about 6 weeks. (some people said it only took a week)
I like this iron so far because I don't have any of the side effects. no constipation, and especially no cramps. I can take it with any food- and since its liquid tabs I feel so much more confident that it is being absorbed. (who knows if it is..) I don't feel like I'm going through pain and misery for nothing...well for a small round tab that does me no good. I feel really positive about this stuff, and will keep you updated on if it really works. I pray it does.
For right now I'm just glad I'm following doctors orders, happily.
Maybe I'll link some of the websites I got info from, reviews, and all the juicy stuff. For now, if you want to read a little on iron supplements click on the "this website" link above, or head over to Wiki for a shortened version.
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