This is a compilation of some of my memories and experiences that happened during my teenage years. Start at the begginning of this blog to hear the beginning of my story.

The most recent posts will now be my experiences with Lupus as an adult and mother.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

the bad news and its side effects

What a valentines day this was.

I did get to spend a lovely day with the kids spoiling them with all sorts of love compliments, pink heart pancakes and valentine shirts. But It was quite a stressful day for my brains and insides. There were two reasons really...(one for me and one for my friend but I can only talk about me here)

First thing in the morning my doc's nurse called and informed me that they received my blood scores from the appointment a week before and I was showing low level lupus activity.

I guess low level is better than high level, but I haven't had any level in years. I haven't had a flare or anything since my major flare that got me all diagnosed. So this came as quite a shock. and of course, is quite disturbing.

He put me on 5 little mg of prednisone to see if it will quiet down and in 2 weeks (well in a few days now) I'll get my blood re-drawn. and I so pray my lupus is back where it belongs.

Lots of thoughts in my head... like What if they can't get it under control like last time? Does this mean no more kids for sure. What if they increase the prednisone and I have to stay on it for a LONG time again.(oh my fattness) To me- the two worst things in life is chemo and prednisone. ok, maybe not the worse worse, but pretty darn close.  I hear the word prednisone and automatically want to rebel against it like a 13 year old teenager.

I'm also baffled because I feel pretty good.  But, I guess lupus can be triggered from stress. and I just got home from quite a trip. It was fun but the opposite of relaxing. It was hard work (as I was by myself) and exhausting. In fact I had gotten home that morning at 3am. and woke up at 8 to go to the doctor. On top of that my kids were sick, and I hadn't had sleep in like a week. I felt like crap at the doctor- but exhausted crap not lupus crap..if that makes any sense.

now that it has been a week and a have I have calmed down some... ok a lot. mostly because I feel great. I haven't had joint pain or any other signs of a lupus flare.

The prednisone has made my life complicated is the love of my life- isn't it?
Two of the side effects that has taken hold of me are insomnia and stepping up my already heartburn problem.
between the insomnia, heartburn (and sick kids) I haven't really slept in a week. I have gotten in a few naps.
I had a 24 week appointment and now have meds on top of my meds to deal with the side effects. Quite the pill cot-tail. I'll take a picture of all my pills in the near future

Soon enough I'll be back in for the next blood draw and we will see if the prednisone has worked its wonders. It better has.

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