Today I am 32 weeks.
Today I started my 2x a week NST's. (non-stress tests)
They really aren't so bad. I get to lay in a bed, in a shady room and relax.
Watch and listen to by baby.
They even gave me some nice cool refreshing bottled water to sip on during my stay.
It only gets stressful with my other two children.
When I was doing NST's with Jack in my belly, Sydney would sit and watch a movie, or read books with me. Sometimes Nate would be around to take her. Sometimes she had a hard time, most times she was awesome.
NOW I have 2 kids to figure out what to do with during this time, twice a week.
When they get together in a doctors office they get bored, which often times turns into fighting.
other times, they are awesome.
So far- the next two weeks will be ok. I've arranged it so I only have Jack to take. and I have an iphone full of games and movies. And a purse full of snacks. He should be good.
My major concern with Jack happened today. On our very first visit.
It can only be uphill from here right?!
I arrive and they get my weight...156, up 2 pounds.
I give my urine sample. Jack, of course gets to join me on this happy occasion.
peeing in a cup is gross. and there is no privacy with kids.
I ask him, a million times, if he needs to go pee. will he PLEASE go pee.
No. mama. No ew.
Jack is still in the potty training stage. He ain't perfect at it yet and he is stubborn. He will only go potty at the very last minute he has to. There is no "lets go potty before we leave" with him.
He also has to go potty on "baby ews" in other words, small potty's. Small potties are normal potties.
Handicap potties are big potties.
You get where this is going.
he doesn't go potty when I asked him to, then and there at the convenient time. oh no.
12 minutes into the NST Jack whispers.
Mama, me ew.
You need to go potty?
shake. head. yes.
I look down at my belly covered in wires and monitors. towel hanging down from my pants. shirt pulled up to my bra.
and look at the nurse.
look back at Jack.
Can you go by yourself? I can take off your shoes here?
Shake. head. No.
Nurse unhooks chords from monitors so I can take him potty.
Luckily there is a potty literally 2 steps from my sheet covered room. No one has to see me. my belly, my towel and machinery.
We pull into the bathroom, start undressing and Jack declares
No Mama! wo ew! (no mama, big potty) it was a "handicapped size potty"
I force him on there. hold him down and he holds it in.
the nerve.
SO, in my desperate attempt to avoid wetting his pants, I tell him there is a little potty right around the corner.
Will you go pee in that?
Shake. head. yes.
I didn't realize it wasn't right around the corner. I had forgotten how far I had really walked to get all the way back to the NST area.
I pass patients, and nurses, and a grey-haird doctor. too many corners.
He goes pee. (in this normal sized potty)
and we leave. ready to run.
But alas, not with out running into my doc and my nurse.
who, since I know now so well, have no problem cracking jokes at my "condition"
"nice look you got there"
The rest was fine. We ran back to the room.
I got to lay down.
Jack got to watch despicable me.
As for the rest of me, I have been feeling great. Especially because the Nexium is working its magic.
heartburn free for like a week.
It was unimaginably horrible! I'm so glad I don't have that bad of heartburn every day of my non-pregnant life.
I still have some problem with my sphincter though. Even though I don't have heart burn, if I have eaten or drunk anything before laying down I have problems. Since my stomach is up in my throat anyway- once I lay down food will come back up. gross right. A few times I have dozed off and woken up choking on throw up. The food came up, and I breathed it back down. That is kind of painful. Yo know how bad throw up burns.
So I just don't eat or drink too close to bed time. Easy fix, but hard to do!! by that time of nice dinner has worn off and I'm ready for more chow.
Like I said, I have gained to pounds.
fluid is like at 17 (between 8-32 is normal)
my belly measures 29, same as last time. So they are going to do a growth ultrasound next time.
This is when the baby should start growing fast and big, but for some reason I stop.
Its where my goal of eating like a pig needs to kick in!
calories calories calories.
and hopefully they go to baby and not my hips.
As soon as you started I new right where this was going!! ah potty training bliss! :) I'm glad everything is going well thus far, and I hope you continue to gain weight, and lots of it!! ( the only time it's appropriate to tell you to gain weight! )
ReplyDeleteI am just right down the hill and would be HAPPY to watch your kids anytime you need to go to the Dr. The pee story sounded pretty rough. Let me know! -Natalie Bleazard