This is a compilation of some of my memories and experiences that happened during my teenage years. Start at the begginning of this blog to hear the beginning of my story.

The most recent posts will now be my experiences with Lupus as an adult and mother.

Monday, January 10, 2011


Andy- goof.
Me-15 weeks
Aubrey(my sis)- 22 weeks
17 weeks and 4 days

Back to the baby doc... my 4th appointment, week 17.

I am back to my weight at week 7. yay. could have sworn I weighed more! blast.

I still have heartburn but I feel I'm doing better at managing it and eating- both.

I can feel little kicks every now an then. so fun.

My biggest questions for the doc was what are we going to do at 37 weeks.

My perinatologists with Syd and Jack pushed me to be induced at 37 week, and I was curious what his protocal was.

SO for now- the plan is to switch from Lovenox to heprin. which will mean two shots a day- bad and good. poking myself is not fun, but at least heprin wont burn and leave the bruises I feel with lovenox.

NST's will start 2x a week at 32 weeks

And no induction planned...for now. Obviously if I things are going downhill....
Its a good plan. Im happy to stick to that.

I will say it one thing worries me.
I like epidurals.
I try not to go through more pain than I have already been through in this life.
but with an unplanned labor delivery means I can't plan my meds, which means my blood maybe too thin for an epidural.
Well worry about that later.

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