This is a compilation of some of my memories and experiences that happened during my teenage years. Start at the begginning of this blog to hear the beginning of my story.

The most recent posts will now be my experiences with Lupus as an adult and mother.

Friday, January 30, 2009

My Lupus Story

For a long time now I have felt the need to write down my experiences. So I'm starting here. I have had many sad experiences and a lot of miracles too. Little impressions and big stories. Every now and then a small memory will come to me, and I need a place like this to record it so that I don't forget it.


  1. Ouch. Just reading that makes me hurt. It would be hard to want to vent about all your pains but try to hold it inside like that. Your memories are amazingly vivid! I'm glad you are writing these things down now.

  2. Thank you for sharing your story with all of us. I hope we can get together soon!

  3. Hey desi, wow I remember little parts of this story. I wish I knew as much then as I do now about lupus. I remember the day I learned you had lupus at Robert Stuart Jr. High, I think it was an assembly of some sort. I remember thinking to my self.... is this contagious. I'm so ashamed. I wish I had understood how much pain you were in better. Thanks for sharing your story, it has brought back a lot of memories.
