This is a compilation of some of my memories and experiences that happened during my teenage years. Start at the begginning of this blog to hear the beginning of my story.

The most recent posts will now be my experiences with Lupus as an adult and mother.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Getting Started

For some reason- with baby number 3- I was scared. I had to go about this very cautiously.

It was not the case with Baby #1.
A. I didn't know if I could get pregnant.
B. I was afraid the doctors would say no.

So I just went ahead did it anyway. (better to apologize after than to ask permission, right?) After about 8 months of trying, we stopped. only to get pregnant. (we were moving and doing some crazy transition stuff. Didn't want my health and a baby to complicate things.)

and were so happy.
My mom, went in a room and cried. not a happy cry.
( a scared for my daughter cry. She went through alot watching me before)

Since Baby #1 went so far as my health. We got pregnant very quickly with Baby #2. I had a strong desire for Sydney to have a sibling. It was a good choice. They have been best friends.

BUT after having Jack, baby #2, my body has not felt as healthy.
I got a cold and the flu shortly after giving birth and it took me 3+ months to recover from that. My liver scores elevated, and I've been anemic. So, even though I have remained in remission with my lupus, I feel my body has still taken a toll with these babies. And I wanted to know- with assurity that my body could handle another baby. If not, then we would adopt.

So in Nov. last year, 2009 I started seeing doctors.
I want a bigger family. And before my youngest was 4!
The problem was that we lived in a tiny town called Moscow. The only doctor I could see that might know enough about lupus was an internist.
he was and old, nice doctor but didn't really help. He told me my liver scores were still up, but I was still in remission. (nad news, and really good news) He recommended I go across the hall (yes literally across the hall) and see someone in the OBGYN group...and they would better help me on having a baby, with lupus.

make sense from the baby part but not for the disease part.

So I got into a Doc, who was 3 months I saw in early Feb 2010.
Another nice. old. doctor.

He didn't recommend having a baby.
He also said some things that helped to understand he wasn't very knowledgable about lupus patients.
And he said I would have to travel to spokane for the docs anyway.

We put having babies on hold till we moved to our big city with nice fancy doctors.

I do have to see "perinatologist" I think they have recently renamed themselves to maternal fetal medicine. in other words- high risk pregnancy doctors.

We moved here early June and I got into my family physician. got a referral.
Aug I was in for consult to Maternal Fetal Medicine.
and he was SO very positive. And so knowledgable. Finally a doctor who really really understood my condition. I love him.

He gave us the go ahead and said " It could take up to a year for you to get pregnant. Be patient"

Sept: I'm pregnant and back in his office.

He turns to Nate, Laughing, and says: "what'd you do, smile at her?"


  1. Des...we are so excited for you and pray this pregnancy goes as well as Sydney's did! Keep us posted. We love you!!!!

  2. Congrats to you guys!! Hope your pregnancy goes very smoothly for you guys!
