This is a compilation of some of my memories and experiences that happened during my teenage years. Start at the begginning of this blog to hear the beginning of my story.

The most recent posts will now be my experiences with Lupus as an adult and mother.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Oh my Fattness....

If the scanner worked better....the pictures you would be bombarded with! going from a whopping 120ish to 150+ here is the proof that I was supa fat. I finally lost all the weight after my first baby. (ironic huh, usually when women get fat I get skinny) I did loose most of the moon face after going off the steroids, but still had chubby cheeks, shoulder fat and a belly all through high school. I tried to diet and exercise the whole time- but still could burn off the steroid. oh well- thankfully people do look past looks and loved me! guys still asked me out and girls were my bestest buds. What life would have been like with out them I don't know! i even had a courageous friend (Emily) promise to shave her hair if my fell out. They still makes me tear to think.....

This is my 8th grade picture - above....

and ninth. the summer inbetween is when it all started as you can tell.
I walked into RSJH for regsitration and Heather, Tim and ____ some cute, skinny, cheerleader you get the idea were sitting there. and just STARED. I was walking with Aubrey and one of my brothers. I just kept thinking..."ok STOP STARING, stop, stop ,stop, I know I'm different and obviously not trying out for the volleyball team this year." And from then on- no one really talked to me cause they all kind of knew and felt sorry... like of like when someone dies- you have no idea what to say to the grieving. Well that was 9th grade. suddenly I dropped from having popular friends (totally not popular though) to having REAL friends.


  1. I remember when it all started happening. I remeber running track and playing basket ball in JH with you when it all started. I remember when your mom told all of us. To this day I still can't look at the game where you have to put all the pieces in before the timer goes off and it pops them all out, other games, and that Baby Bob doll that where in a basket for you with out you coming to mind. You were so strong and brave and still are. I remember idelizing you all through high school and now still too. You have always been a great example to me and will always continue to be. I am glad that for the most part it is under "contol." Des you are amazing and no one could have had a great attitude about it then you. You made me realize to not sweat the small stuff, because there are much bigger things out there. I think it is great that you are putting this out there!!!

  2. WOW! Lupus is crazy! I had no idea, I am soooooo glad you are doing this blog. I am already hooked. You really are such an amazing person and I barely know you.

  3. Thanks for sharing your story. I am learning more about what a wonderful and strong lady you are.I am so lucky to know you.

  4. It must be very freeing to do this. I'm so happy for you.

    Hmmm, I should show you my 225 pound pictures, so you can be more subjective as to what fat is. :o)

    I had a bunch of my friends turn on me because I got into a tiff with a popular guy. It hurts, but it is nice to know who your true friends are.

  5. I LOVE how your stories are written; the voice you use, the details you remember, the way you describe life perfectly through the eyes of a teenagers. Your experiences "put" me right in your place and I imagined your life how you lived it. This is such a great thing for you to do.
    I am SO happy you and Nate moved our way. You are such a great example and a really awesome friend. Love ya tons!

  6. Des I love your blog and am so glad you are doing this. (I had this huge long comment to post and then something happened w/my computer and lost it all so be expecting a long email!) I remember so much during high school and still look back on all those memories I have with you. I love and miss you so much Des!!!

  7. Desi, I love you so much. I am sorry that you had to endure this great trial. And I am sorry that as a 13 year old I wasn't more understanding of your trials. I just remember being jealous that mom let you get away with being moody and not me! haha. You were on medications. I was not. You are such a beautiful woman. I am also really glad that you are doing this blog. It will help me get a different perspective on what happened. I miss you and love you so much!!!
